party people
Tenaya Kothari
Maid of Honor

Tenaya and Shirley have been best friends since their early high school track days, where Tenaya was a pro pole vaulter and Shirley was a sprinter, for some reason. They're usually laughing uncontrollably to the point of tears or having a heart-to-heart. Even though they now live on opposite edges of the country, Tenaya is Shirley's go-to NYE date. They are also aspiring future mom-neighbors.

Tenaya is now a doctor, living in Seattle, WA.

Trevor Shaddle
Best Man

Trevor has known Cameron his whole life, holding him as the epitome of success since the beginning. Following a devastating 1st birthday party, where Cameron learned that he was no longer the baby, they grew to like each other. You can catch them chatting on the phone most days about the newest movies or the impending heat death of the universe.

Trevor is now working in sales, living in NYC.

Alexa Abdalla

Alexa and Shirley became close friends their senior year of college, from visiting each other while studying abroad to crying together after attending a "How to move to NYC after graduation" seminar. They both made it to NYC after graduating, where they were roommates for three years—with Cameron joining them for the last. Alexa also introduced them to the Quarantine Film Club, which has been going strong for three years!

Alexa is now a writer and content creator, living in Atlanta, GA.

Chris Shaddle

Chris is Cameron's youngest brother and the only one of them with promise. He and Cameron spend their time taking the family dog for long walks, playing video games, and discussing the big questions of life.

Chris currently lives in Fort Collins, CO where he is a student at Colorado State.

Amanda Kwong

Amanda has been Shirley's best running buddy since their sophomore year at Syracuse, trained with Shirley for her first half marathon, and even had a blast running a half together through a Syracuse blizzard—frozen eye brows, lashes and all. She was also present at the Derby bonfire the night Cameron and Shirley officially met!

Amanda is now an Ad Council campaign director, living in Washington D.C.

Brian Chang

Cameron has known Brian since he was 12 years old and has been inspired watching him grow up. Every year, he becomes more and more impressed with Brian's incredible photography and piano skills. He's glad that they've been able to hang out more during holidays and NYC visits.

Brian is currently a UX/UI designer living in San Diego.

Diane Holliday

Diane and Shirley bonded at the end of freshman year over frappuccino happy hour at the Starbucks on campus. When they’re not standing in an embrace (Diane gives the best hugs), you can find them chatting about fantasy books over good food and wine or lounging and laughing. Diane also knew Cameron freshman year before Shirley knew either of them!

She is now getting a Masters in creative writing, living in Denver, CO.

Nick Getz

Cameron and Nick met playing tennis at the Grauer School, where they once created a business model that allowed them to both skip class and get paid by their teachers. Now older and ostensibly more responsible, they can be found on pub crawls in each other's respective cities.

Nick is now an actuary, living near Salt Lake City, Utah.

Kelli Mosher

Kelli and Shirley met in Gamma Phi Beta, where Kelli was Shirley’s little. They were both in the same Graphic Design program (after Kelli switched from Photography) and bond over the Design Life™ and love of food. Shirley’s grateful that Kelli’s sister lives in San Diego so they can meet during the holidays, among visits between Boston and NYC.

Kelli is now an art director, living in Boston, MA.

Sage Stahmer

Friends from the first day of middle school, Cameron and Sage have spent much of their time together eating—from the hallowed halls of Rico's Taco Shop to the shared haunts of Claro in Brooklyn.

Sage is now a product manager, living in Brooklyn, NY.

Tory Miles Brogie

Tory and Shirley met in Gamma Phi Beta, where Tory was Shirley's big, junior year roommate, and soulmate ;) They've had a long-distance relationship since graduating, but you can catch them talking for hours about everything and all the things on Facetime or in-person visits, somehow never running out of things to discuss (with equal amounts of enthusiastic energy.)

Tory is now a marketing manager, living in London, England (her life-long dream!!)

Dog of Honor/Best Dog/Flower girl

Olive is Cameron and Shirley's pride and joy. She loves long walks in the park, off-leash zoomies, going for swims, belly rubs, and yummy treats.

Olive is a very good girl, living her best life in Brooklyn, NY.

Anna Hodge

Anna and Shirley became friends in COM 117 and then both ended up in Gamma Phi. They were roommates during their summer internships (pushing their beds together to make more room—kind of Step Brothers-style), senior year roommates off-campus, and navigated post-grad adult life together in NYC. Anna was also with Shirley at the Derby bonfire the night Cameron and Shirley officially met and has been along for the ride ever since, so there was no better person to officiate their marriage!

Anna is now in healthcare PR, living in Brooklyn, NY.

We look forward to celebrating with you!